Although cow numbers grew modestly in February to 9.37 million cows and stopped an eight-month slide in herd size, tight milk supplies in the U.S. continue to squeeze processors
More and more I get questions about the proper chop length for silages and what is a desirable particle distribution for a total mixed ration (TMR) when using the Penn State Particle Separator
I didn’t have an adequate place to keep my syringes, so I took some 1 3/4-inch pipes and fastened them to the wall by the sink. As soon as I’m done using a syringe, I clean it and hang it up
Dairy farming has made great strides in efficiency and reducing its environmental impact. Between 1944 and 2007, the carbon footprint for a gallon of milk has been reduced by two-thirds
It’s not just business expenses rising for dairy farmers across the country — higher prices are impacting every aspect of human life, from the gas pump to the grocery store
With herbicide shortages mounting for the 2022 growing season, some growers may be looking for ways to reduce product needs. Before making too many cuts early on
Converting feed cost to milk income is the most basic description of my job as a nutritionist. It is really no different than an auto manufacturing plant that buys various pieces of metal, plastic
Feed costs — Ten opportunities for savingspresented by: Mike Hutjens, University of Illinoissponsored by: Kuhn Feed represents over 50% of total milk production costs. With higher fertili
Even before the pandemic, but especially since, calls for change have been heard in the dairy industry from nearly every group involved — farmers, processors, cooperatives, haulers, and more
In just two years, Dairy Farmers of America (DFA) transformed itself from selling over one-half of its members’ milk to third-party processors to processing two-thirds of its own milk
Dairy producers are well aware of what milk fever does to a cow. Muscle weakness and recumbency are the most visible signs, and if the condition is left untreated, it can lead to death
While there is often pushback that ruminants are utilizing land that could otherwise be used for edible food production for humans, cattle deliver value